
Ole Martin! Thanks for these 4 great days. It was a pleasure to enjoy the beauty of Flatanger nature and fjord. Sea eagles, gulls, skuas, terns, seals, foxes and also a beautiful moose. What ask more?

It was a big pleasure to meet you and enjoy the boat trips. You’re a great nature guide, Ole Martin. Your deep knowledge of the area let us see stunning moments, allowing us to have great photography chances. You always tried to let us photograph in the perfect light position, either in the sunrise as in the sunset, during the day or in the fog we had the last day. Thank you!

And all you did was always done respecting deeply nature and animals. It’s nice to see you enthusiasm and how you respect nature and how you love this area.

So, “takk” for all the photography chances we had and also for fun! Very nice nice days. I will come again!
See you next time!
All the best
Alessandro Bee (Italy)


Ole Martin! Grazie per questi splendidi 4 giorni. E’ stato un vero piacere godere della bellezza della natura di Flatanger e del suo fiordo. Aquile di mare, gabbiani, skua, sterne, foche, volpi e anche uno splendido alce. Cosa chiedere di più?

E’ stato un grande piacere conoscerti e fare le escursioni in barca. Sei una bravissima guida naturalistica, Ole Martin.
La tua profonda conoscenza della zona ci ha permesso di vedere scene spettacolari e ci ha permesso di avere delle ottime possibilità fotografiche. Hai cercato sempre di farci fotografare nelle posizioni con la luce migliore, sia all’alba che al tramonto, durante il giorno così come nella nebbia dell’ultimo giorno. Grazie!

E hai sempre fatto tutto rispettando profondamente la natura e gli animali. E’ bello vedere il tuo entusiasmo e il rispetto che hai per la natura e come ami questa zona.

“Takk” per le possibilità fotografiche che ci hai permesso e per il divertimento di questi giorni! Giorni davvero molto belli. Tornerò di nuovo!
Ci vediamo la prossima volta!
Un caro saluto
Alessandro Bee (Italia)

Last day of holiday

Early Aug is the time to look for Cloudberry. This is a tradision in lots of Norwegian families, so do we. The last 3 years I haven’t got time to do this trips because of guiding people. This year I could.

It’s always nice to be in the mountains this time of the year, not only for searching the great tasting Cloudberry but also to have a walk, looking for different things, flower etc and the good smell of clean mountains and forest. Great!

The Cloudberry is a high listed berry to have in the house, some years it’s a lot of them and other years difficult to find, this year it’s ok. We use this berry in christmas and in the dark , cold winter you can feel the tast of late summer. Close your eyes and dream on.

So lucky to live here!! Eagleman.

A blast!

I have been visiting Ole Martin three times now, and still I get surprised by the enthusiasm shown by this marvellous nature guide.

This time I went together with the product specialist of Nikon Norway and representatives from pro dealer “Stavanger Foto”. They wanted to see how Norway Nature is run, as well as learning about the challenges (and joys!!) nature photographers are facing in their work. We spent three days with Ole Martin, and had a blast!

The first eagle swept down in a steep dive very close to the boat – setting the standard for the rest of the stay. We met all the familiar eagles in Flatanger, the cheeky Gulls and even a juvenile eagle sweeping down grabbing fish in front of well established birds – this guy will be a classic!

Extremely cooperative eagles, shifting light and stunning landscapes were served on silver plates by the best nature guide I know.

The short hours of darkness were spent outdoors photographing a nearby fox litter, giving very little time for sleep. Thanks Ole Martin – I will be back!

Roy Mangersnes