What a week.

Last week i had 3 artists from Artists for Nature Foundation visiting Flatanger.

Juan Simo Varela from Spain, Jonathan Yule from UK and Wolfgang Weber from Germany. And what a week!

This week I have taken the artists to different plases, we have been in the protected Boral Rainforrest, out in the boat with Sea Eagles, Otters, Gulls and also Seals. We did one day with Eiders in Inderøy. One afternoon the artists did a workshop with the children at the school and they inspired young girls and boys.

And to see how different the arists draws is amazing. Sitting in the boat watching with their bin and than do great drawings, incredible!! 3 artists with different expressions. Friday we had a wonderful evening in the town hall with nice music from local artists, pressantation from ANF by Hans Rademakers, food from the living sea and our local hero (photographer) Stian Holmen. Stian is invited to the big GDT festival in Lunen Germany in late October!!

Saturday the artists had an exebition in the community center and lots of people came to see an buy nice art.

Also the main televisioncanal NRK have been here during this week and will come back next week to make a half houre about the artists and the nature of Flatanger. So the producer Ulf Myrvold have been working hard this days. This prorgram is called “Ut I Naturen” and will be to see in March 2012.

It’s always nice to meet new people and this 3 artists gave me a lot. But it’s always difficult when photographers or other people is leaving, emotional!! The good thing is that you still have this people, coming here, for a lifetime friends and that’s just great.

So to the artists, thank you for meeting you, I realy hope to see ANF back in Flatanger.

Artists for Nature

Fra den 2-9.Oktober i år vil Flatanger få fint besøk av kunstnere fra Artists for Nature Foundation.

De som skal jobbe her ute er
Wolfgang Weber
Jonathan Yule
Juan Simo Varela

Jeg har invitert disse til en workshop i Flatangers natur.

Er sikker på at mye flott vil bli laget disse dagene, og lørdag den 8.Oktober blir det utstilling av kunstverkene.

Fredag den 7.Oktober er det en naturbasert kulturkveld i Lauvsnes samfunnshus der vi pressenterer kunstnerne for de som finner det ønskelig å delta på en riktig så spennende kveld.

Det som også er spennende er at Ulf Myrvold fra NRK skal lage en halvtime for Ut I Naturen. Han skal også spille denne kvelden!! Spennende.

Så får vi se hva som kommer ut av dette. Spennende blir det og dette blir helt klar en anderledes uke for ørneguiden:-)
Men som jeg gleder meg.

Ole M