First storm + award

The first storm came some days ago. So we could not go out with the eagles. To much wind and always safety first!! But Nik,Brian and i went to a nice plase to catch the storm and we hade great fun doing arty farty and big waves.

Have been some great days after that and last days we have seen 3 times that two eagles are going for the same fish and why not, looks great in a picture and hope this will be a new product:-)
Tuesday and Wendnesday i went for a big meeting at at Rock City in Namsos and i hade a talk there. In the evening i heard that i was nominated for an award from . I did not expect to get anything so when the jury call Norway Natur to be one of the winners i was just so happy!!

The toastmaster was Alex Rosen and we all hade lots of good laughters, he is just SO funny. So this is inspiring me and i hope to be the Eagleman for a LOOOOOONG time:-)

 So soon it’s time for doing Golden Eagles again, I also take people out in the boat also in winter(if the condition is good) Hope the Goshawk will be back and altso lots of guests. Still a few plases left in October for fishing Sea Eagles and other wildlife.

Take care friends. Rock’n roll and arty farty. Ole