Nikon D5300 and a wife.

All winter have been full of photographers from all over the world. Difficult winter as well with nearly no snow. But birds have been good. Hm!! Should never buy Wenche a camera for christmas!!

Hooded Crows. Photo: Ole M
So winterseason was over about 4.March and time for doing something with the family!!
So what happends? 16.March the winter came and LOOOOTS of snow. Wenche asked “ could we try the Golden Eagle hide?” Hm! Have not been feeding for a week and it’s saturday, mybe we try in November. But you know, when wifes get something in their head you just have to do what they say. Even sleep in a hide a Saturday night.

On the way to the hide. Photo: Ole M
Getting ready for the night. Photo: Ole M
So Saturday evening we went to the Golden Eagle hide about 2300 to have the night there. Better than start 0400 in a Sunday morning. Sleeping? Not much. Heard the Golden Eagle calling around 0600 and also Sea Eagle calling. Rock’n Roll this will be a great day. BUT! Golden eagle came but just to fast to get a picture because she got a young Sea Eagle on hear back! Nothing!! Shit!!
Eurasian Jay in good light, photo: Wenche
Something? Photo: Ole M
Got some ok Eurasian Jay pictures and we went back home about 1200, had to go back to take care of Juster (dog). After a nice Sunday dinner Wenche said “ I go back tonight and try Monday , maybe i can get my first Golden Eagle picture”
I could not because it was also a good day to do some more fishing  for the Sea Eagles. Have new guest coming for fishing Sea Eagles .
At 1700 in the afternoon Monday, a smiling girl came back , i can tell you, she was crying!! She had Eagles more or less all day and she was SOOOOOO happy. She got great pictures but i think  to be there alone and meet this amazing birds sitting in the trees , looking at you!! It’s more than pictures, it’s a meeting in nature which you never can explain. Must try this to understand.
Young Golden Eagle cleaning up, photo: Wenche

Young Golden Eagle, photo: Wenche

Adult Golden Eagle, photo: Wenche
Thank you for a great weekend Wenche and you should be happy with your christmas present!!
You can look at facebook at  NORWAY NATURE and also Wenche Anita Larsen Dahle. Just get in touch if you want Eagles for next winter, already good bookings.